Khewra Salt Lamps – 01
Khewra Salt Lamps – 01
Khewra Salt Lamps – 01
Khewra Salt Lamps – 02
Khewra Salt Lamps – 03
Khewra Salt Lamps – 04
Khewra Salt Lamps – 01 Khewra Salt Lamps – 01 Khewra Salt Lamps – 02 Khewra Salt Lamps – 03 Khewra Salt Lamps – 04

Salt Lamp Health Benefits

Salt Lamp Health Benefits

Salt lamps are ornamental illuminations for enhancing the beauty of your rooms. Because of salt’s ability to act as natural source of light, these lamps are being widely used for aesthetic purposes. These lamps are manufactured by pure pink salt extracted from Khewra Salt mine in Pakistan. Along with aesthetic purpose, these lamps also offer huge range of health as well as environmental benefits, such as improving mood; treating asthma, allergies, insomnia; and creating ambient environment. There are following alluring health benefits accessible by use of these salt lamps.

Natural Air Purifier

Salt has a natural property of purifying the air, in which we breathe. Salt granules absorb dust, molds, pollen and other contaminants from air. As salt lamps are hygroscopic so any water vapors that carry on contamination are absorbed by salt lamps. According to research, the mine workers have rarely faced pulmonary health problems as compared to general populace. Of course everyone wants to have clean air to breath, so in this era of increased environmental pollution, salt lamps are must to have in every room of your home.